MSW 猫山王
Sweetness: ★★★★★
Bitterness: ★★★★★
Mao Shan Wang is almost like the 'Kinder Surprise' of durians, with the unusual combination of both bitter and sweet flesh (sometimes even bittersweet) in one fruit. This means you almost never know what you're in for until you take a bite. Usually well worth the surprise.
特征: 果壳底部有星状纹路,果核小,果肉呈金黄色,香味浓郁,口感绵柔粘稠,甜中带苦,入口即溶,慢慢发回果香。
原产地: 彭亨,吉兰丹,柔佛
Bitterness: ★★★★★
Mao Shan Wang is almost like the 'Kinder Surprise' of durians, with the unusual combination of both bitter and sweet flesh (sometimes even bittersweet) in one fruit. This means you almost never know what you're in for until you take a bite. Usually well worth the surprise.
特征: 果壳底部有星状纹路,果核小,果肉呈金黄色,香味浓郁,口感绵柔粘稠,甜中带苦,入口即溶,慢慢发回果香。
原产地: 彭亨,吉兰丹,柔佛