D24 苏丹王
D24 苏丹王 Durian Singapore, Johor Bahru (JB), Malaysia Supplier, Wholesaler | OGENIC SUPPLY
Sweetness: ★★★
Bitterness: ★★★★★

Slightly less overwhelming in flavor, the D24 is one fruit that you could keep on eating without getting too sick of it. Thick and creamy, the D24 is reliable in terms of the sweet taste profile it constantly delivers. An easy introduction for first-timers to ease into the strong-smelling fruit.

特征: 果肉厚实呈淡黄色,果核较大,口感细腻软绵,奶油味浓,苦苦的味道带出香甜,入口后渗出回甘味。

原产地: 柔佛,彭亨,霹雳

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